152 research outputs found

    Analisis Penerapan Inkuiri Secara Daring dengan Scaffolding Berbantuan Geogebra Materi Fungsi Kuadrat

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    This study aims to analyze and describe the application of online inquiry learning with the GeoGebra-assisted scaffolding technique on quadratic function material in grade IX students at SMP Negeri 1 Malang. This research is a qualitative descriptive study, with the instruments used in the form of a learning implementation sheet, student activity sheets, student learning outcomes tests, questionnaires, and interviews. The results showed that learning according to the steps of inquiry had gone very well with an average implementation score of 94.5. Learning is carried out by scaffolding through questions directed at focusing, inviting, reminding, clarifying, and evaluating so that it is compatible with inquiry learning which is applied online. Student learning outcomes reached an average score of 73 daily tests in the good category

    Analisis praktek pembelajaran daring persamaan garis lurus berbantuan media geogebra melalui google sites

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pembelajaran daring persamaan garis lurus berbantuan media geogebra melalui google site. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian diperoleh berdasarkan respon pembelajaran siswa pada setiap pertemuan, wawancara dengan guru, dan angket refleksi pada akhir pertemuan. Penelitian dilakukan di kelas 8B MTsN 1 Kota Malang dengan 32 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan siswa yang memberikan respon dengan baik, telah melalui tahap pemberian rangsang, pengumpulan data, pengolahan data, pengujidan, dan pemberikan kesimpulan dengan baik. Sementara siswa yang memberikan respon kurang memuaskan telah melakukan tahap pemberian rangsang dan pengambilan kesimpulan dengan baik, namun tidak melakukan tahap menyatakan masalah, mengumpulkan data, dan pengolahan data. Selain itu siswa yang memberikan respon dengan baik pada pertemuan pertama sebanyak 31%, pada pertemuan kedua 63%, pada pertemuan ketiga 22%, dan pada pertemuan keempat 9%. Penurunan respon siswa dipengaruhi oleh tingkat stres dan banyaknya tugas sebesar 57%, serta ketidakmampuan siswa mengoperasikan geogebra dengan baik 31%

    Students’ Mathematical Connection Error in Solving PISA Circle Problem

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    The mathematical connection is one of the competencies in NCTM that students need to have. Mathematical connections can help students understand material and mathematical concepts easily. In addition, mathematical connections can help students in solving mathematical problems. Even so, mathematical connection errors are still made by some students. Mathematical connection errors made by students when solving geometry problems, especially about a circle. The purpose of this study is to describe the mathematical connection errors made by students in solving problems adapted from PISA problems focusing on circle material. This research method is descriptive-qualitative. Prospective subjects are 20 of 8th-grade students in one of the junior high schools in Malang who have studied about a circle. Based on the distribution of answers, two subjects were selected in this study. After going through the interview process, the data obtained in the form of work results and interview transcripts. Based on the results of research, mathematical connection errors made by research subjects in the form of not being able to use mathematics in mathematical problems; can't find connections between topics in mathematics; unable to understand the representation of concepts in mathematical problems, and draw relationships between procedures on mathematical problem

    Beban Kognitif Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Materi Geometri

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    The purpose of the study describes the rises of cognitive load of students in learning geometry. The study used a qualitative approach. The results showed that the intrinsic cognitive load is derived from the number of elements of interactivity of position, distance, and angles between points, lines, and areas, congruency of triangles, algebraic and fractional operations. Intrinsic cognitive load comes from the complexity of the learning material that constitutes visualizing, performing algebraic operations, determining congruency triangle, and the angle of difficulties. Extraneous cognitive load that arise due to the way the teacher in explaining too fast and disturbance of some of friends who are crowded / noisy. Germane cognitive load that arises due to the use of Cabri 3D in learning and giving variable exampleTujuan penelitian mendeskripsikan munculnya beban kognitif siswa dalam pembelajaran materi geometri. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beban kognitif intrinsic disebabkan oleh jumlah elemen interaktivitas yaitu kedudukan, jarak, dan sudut antara titik, garis, dan bidang, kesebangunan segitiga, operasi aljabar, dan operasi pecahan. Beban kognitif intrinsic disebabkan oleh kompleksitas materi, yaitu kesulitan membayangkan, kesulitan melakukan operasi aljabar, kesulitan menentukan kesebangunan segitiga, dan kesulitan menentukan besar sudut. Beban kognitif extraneous disebabkan oleh cara guru dalam menjelaskan terlalu cepat dan gangguan dari sebagian teman yang ramai/gaduh. Beban kognitif germane disebabkan oleh penggunaan Cabri 3D dalam pembelajaran dan pemberian latihan soal

    Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa SMP ditinjau dari Gaya Kognitif

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    Siswa dituntut dapat menyelesaikan soal pemecahan masalah dalam setiap pembelajaran matematika. Namun ketika observasi awal, banyak ditemukan siswa kurang mampu memecahkan soal matematis dengan tepat dan sedikit siswa yang dapat menjawab persoalan matematis berdasarkan prosedur Polya terutama di Sumenep. Tujuan Penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat pemahaman peserta didik dalam mencari solusi dari permasalahan matematis yang terdapat pada materi Himpunan berdasarkan gaya kognitif Field Dependent (FD) dan Field Independent (FI). Metode penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian berupa data yang diambil dari peserta didik kelas 7A dan 7B di MTs Negeri 1 Sumenep menggunakan tes GEFT berdasarkan indikator pemecahan masalah Polya yang mengacu pada indikator NCTM. Dalam melakukan analisis lebih lanjut, dipilih 4 orang sebagai subjek untuk dilakukan wawancara secara mendalam dan dilakukan analisis pemecahan masalah. Dalam penelitian ini didapatkan peserta didik jenis FD kurang baik dalam memecahkan masalah matematis, sedangkan pada peserta didik jenis FI sangat baik dalam memecahkan masalah matematis dikarenakan mampu memenuhi semua indikator pemecahan masalah.Students are required to be able to solve problem-solving problems in every mathematics lesson. However, during the initial observations, it was found that many students were less able to solve mathematical problems correctly and few students were able to answer mathematical problems based on the Polya procedure, especially in Sumenep. The purpose of the study was to describe the level of understanding of students in finding solutions to mathematical problems contained in the set material based on Field Dependent (FD) and Field Independent (FI) cognitive styles. This research method is descriptive and qualitative. The results of the study are data taken from students in grades 7A and 7B at MTs Negeri 1 Sumenep using the GEFT test based on Polya's problem-solving indicators which refer to the NCTM indicator. In conducting further analysis, 4 people were selected as subjects for in-depth interviews and problem-solving analysis. In this study, it was found that the FD-type students were not good at solving mathematical problems, while the FI-type students were very good at solving mathematical problems because they were able to problem-solving indicators

    Deskripsi Kesalahan Struktur Berpikir Siswa SMP Dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Geometri Serta Defragmentingnya: Suatu Studi Kasus

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    It is revealed that as a compulsory mathematic subject for junior high school students, most students are struggling to solve geometric problem. As an effort to fix this condition, this article describes mistakes of junior high school students\u27 structural thinking in solving geometric problem. Subjects\u27 mistake were assessed by Subanji\u27s (2015) theory of conceptual construction mistake and mathematical problem solving. Researcher then defragmented subjects\u27 thinking structure in order to solve problems effectively. The result shows that subjects experienced miss logical construction and construction gap. Miss logical construction occurred because students\u27 logical mistake in solving the problem, while the construction gap happened due to certain incomplete schemes in subjects\u27 problem solving thinking structure. Defragmenting was conducted by assessing mistakenly constructed scheme. Then, unconstructed scheme was revealed. When scheme had considered as sufficient, the constructed scheme were knitted into an interconnected scheme and subjects\u27 thinking structure became complete. Decomposition of incorrect structured schemes used cognitive conflict, while scheme and scheme knitting applied scaffolding

    Students’ thinking process when using abductive reasoning in problem solving

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    Background: abductive reasoning is the process of making conjectures to explain surprising observations. Although this conjecture is not certain to be true, in solving a problem, this reasoning is very helpful to determine the best solution strategy. Objectives: the study aims to investigate whether all types of abductive reasoning lead to the formation of new schemes. Design: this research used a qualitative approach with a descriptive exploratory design. Setting and participants: a total of 41 students of the research degree in mathematics education programme were involved in solving a task. Then, eight of them were chosen for an in-depth interview, representing the undercoded and overcoded abductive reasoning types. Data collection and analysis: the data collected were the results of the students’ works and task-based interviews. Piaget’s schema theory was used to analyse students' thinking processes using abductive reasoning. The analysis was carried out at all steps of problem solving, namely understanding the problem, devising a plan, carrying out the plan, and looking back. Results: those who carried out overcoded abductive reasoning used this reasoning to determine problem solving strategies. Meanwhile, those who carried out undercoded abductive reasoning used it to determine problem solving strategies as well as to form new schemes. Conclusions: the results showed that students who did abductive reasoning did not always produce new schemes. This study also notes that the truth value of answers from the application of abductive reasoning in problem solving was open and the importance of the look back step to perform accommodation
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